Friday, August 15, 2014

Somebody else is waiting; someone better.

Several heartbreaks are due to the reason we trust the wrong person. But is that under our control? Hopelessly not! All of us fall in love. Again, is that under our control? Definitely not! We can't really blame ourselves for our mistakes.  Besides, every one of us makes mistakes, right? There is no one in this world who is exceptionally perfect and hasn't faced the up's and low's of life.

Many relationships break up due the lack of trust, communication and intimacy. It is important to note that in order to make a relationship work having time for each other and being sincere and loyal to one another can do wonders. Having trust on each other plays a crucial role in a relationship and to make it survive frequent communication between the two is essential. Only when there is communication, things are get sorted out and the relationship tends to get into a smooth flow.

As a part of a romantic relationship, display of affection is an essence of happiness and satisfaction which brings together two people and binds them. Intimacy in the form of a close attachment, mutual affection, understanding and companionship keeps the relationship strong and healthy. It is necessary for them to be comfortable around each other in the same atmosphere and to share the love and affection they have for each other.

Keep away the misunderstandings, arguments, abuses and the distractions. They aren't worth it and are simply a waste of time. It causes a great disadvantage to your relationship and are hence caused due to the lack of trust against each other. If you really love him/her so much that you are willing to sacrifice anything for their happiness, then don't the devil himself get in to the way of your relationship. Instead work on it. You may never know that it would have the best thing you ever did for him/her.

Even if you've been in many relationships that have given you pain, misery and heartbreak, don't ever lose faith in love because when God sent Adam to Earth he was lonely and with the help of  one of his rib, God created a woman. 

Adam said "This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh.: she shall be called woman because she was taken out of man,"

Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. 

God has created a man and woman and told them to multiply. Similarly, just the way God created Eve for Adam, he has created a special person for each and every one of us.  So don't lose faith even if you've been cheated upon a lot. There will be a time you will be loved and it will be for real. It would be till eternity!

If you've ever felt like you haven't found that special someone, then remind yourself that “Somebody else is waiting, somebody who is much better.."